Signed in as:
A Roman Court does not operate according to any true rule of law, but by presumptions of the law. Therefore, if presumptions presented by the private Bar Guild are not rebutted they become fact and are therefore said to stand true [Or as truth in commerce]. There are twelve (12) key presumptions asserted by the private Bar Guilds which if unchallenged stand true being Public Record, Public Service, Public Oath, Immunity, Summons, Custody, Court of Guardians, Court of Trustees, Government as Executor/Beneficiary, Executor De Son Tort, Incompetence, and Guilt : -12 presumptions of court
Are you in the Book of Life?
Verse 1
In the beginning, God created all, From the heavens to the earth, He made it all. He breathed life into man, set us on our way, In His book, our names He did display.
Chorus Book of Life, where the righteous are found, In God's eternal love, we are bound. Names written in the Lamb's holy light, In the Book of Life, we find our might.
Verse 2
Moses pleaded for his people’s sin, God’s mercy and justice, where it all begins. The psalmist cried, "Blot out the wicked's name," In the Book of Life, only the righteous remain.
Book of Life, where the righteous are found, In God's eternal love, we are bound. Names written in the Lamb's holy light, In the Book of Life, we find our might.
Bridge Paul spoke of workers, faithful and true, Their names in the Book, forever new. At the final judgment, the dead will rise, In the Book of Life, we see through God’s eyes.
Verse 3
Jesus promised those who overcome, In white garments, their victory won. In the New Jerusalem, only they will dwell, In the Book of Life, their stories tell.
Book of Life, where the righteous are found, In God's eternal love, we are bound. Names written in the Lamb's holy light, In the Book of Life, we find our might.
Eternal security, judgment, and grace, In the Book of Life, we find our place. God’s sovereign hand, guiding our way, In the Book of Life, forever we’ll stay.
The Office or Authorized representative construct is obvious in name but vague in the function and power of the office or even that it (Your NAME) is an office! All government positions are offices , from the president to the janitor! If one represents another they are acting in the capacity of an agent. An agent works in an office. The office is a record of the agent activities and where the agent reports. The report is the business dealings of the agent for the principal of who the office was set up for. An Authorized Representative is someone who is designated to represent the principle. This individual or organization is authorized to act on the principals behalf making agreements and decisions the principal then becomes bound to. Resign from the office regain your part of the Sovereignty
Banks are containment areas just like in a real river, except currency and not current flow through money banks. We are led to believe paper is just as valuable as real gold or silver or substance. When in reality paper money is just a " form" of money with no intrinsic value . This way the real substantial value is left for those with eyes to see the fraud of worthless paper and the real value of the commodity that backs it.
If you look for it you will see most documents are dual purpose or have a counterpart in the fictional construct (record database)
A title record is proof of a property in trust and an abstract of a title record is the proof the trust exists in the records , as the abstract was created from the original title deed
A deed being an act of transfer of powers or rights to another. This is why we need to keep all originals in our private records to counter deed abstracts and false charges against the record
Foreign agents are in-habitants (re-public) while native born people are the "habitants." (public) If you could inhabit a record you would be the record! Instead people embody the character of the record to the point of answering for it , like a doll , but they are not the record, just fooled into representing it. It would be like becoming the character in a play the office being the character so the actors never remove their costume persona so live continualy as the character . After awhile forgetting who they really are . The foreign agent becomes the person /character he represents if and until he returns home to his true father and cedes back the the social membership in the "country" club, Only fictions need representatives. Without people to push the paper takeover it just sits, then just blows away in the wind
The object construct is to whom the power is directed A power being a right to act may be granted either special or generally A special power is for a particular act or only for a particular actor. Whereas a general power is a power to do anything the power granted allows even to the point of using the inherent powers!
We give the birthright power we are given by Yah to others to act for us according to the particular restrictions we put on it . If we allow full use if the power it could even be used against us if we don't restrict it by a binder then the power ig generally given. Think of it like a robot we build and it takes over because its immortal and can overpower us because if we forgot to put a kill switch on it
Expressing trusts and contracts
An express trust is simply a trust that is created on purpose, and not imposed by implication. An express trust is a trust created "in express terms, and usually in writing, as distinguished from one inferred by the law from the conduct or dealings of the parties." Property is transferred by a person (called a trustor, settlor, or grantor) to a represenative transferree (called the trustee), who holds the property for the benefit of one or more receiver persons, called beneficiaries. The trustee may distribute the property, or the income from that property, to the beneficiaries. Express trusts are frequently used in common law jurisdictions as methods of wealth preservation or enhancement.
The third-party doctrine is a United States legal doctrine that holds that people who voluntarily give information to third parties—such as banks, phone companies, internet service providers (ISPs), and e-mail servers—have "no reasonable expectation of privacy."
Smith vs Maryland 1970
You don't records "about" you volanteered so don't give information without a user agreement.
Maxim of law:
Equity doesn't help a volunteer
One must always protect your autograph and agreements , with technology today unless you claim privacy there is none . So if you volunteer without a reservation of rights you lose your expectancy of privacy
All Rights Reserved!
All U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals, but not all U.S. nationals are U.S. citizens.
Individuals whose birth was in an outlying area and outside of Washington DC , forts or barracks of the United States acquire U.S. nationality but do not automatically become American citizens.
Citizenship is offered to all people birthed on the US soil and is a legal status so one must volanteer for by using the citizenship that was offered to them at birth to get benefits likes licenses etc. and people can have multiple citizenships.
People born on a place have no choice about where the are born so are Nationals of a place and can have only one nationality.
Free people dont join groups that require you to follow rules or pay fines!
The doctrine construct is a way of instructing based on past experience, so a way of presuming things to be true that may not be based of the perceptions of actions previously done.
The Doctrine of merger for example; presumes that an age of majority beneficiary and a trustee are separate till future conditions are met , so cannot come together with a meeting of the minds without the trust collapsing by the merger of the two parties back into one .
A truth or doctrine is set out to answer a question . Why would a trust continue? When an age of majority beneficiary has knowledge that he can now take his rightful place and does not need the trustee anymore, due to his lawful right to now take control of the assets once
entrusted to another, the trustee of the trust
See the movie Ladyhawke 1985 which documents this concept.
Fathers birth claim .
When one there was born a birth announcement was published in the legal section of the local newspaper. This was the announcement of the birth ( registration origin ) of the legal person record file being created because the father of the real living baby did not claim lawful custody of the witnessed certificate of live birth proving live embodiment of a living being .
This failure to claim the witnessed birth record caused an abstract Birth certificate to be created as a record in a file to hold the unclaimed certificate in. The records were kept by the city administrators and registered with your municipal father until you returned or attained age of majority so no longer a minor.
Living beings are the highest level under our maker yahawah's order of creation.
Once we make the mistake of registering or technically being registered we lose the power of the birthright in exchange for a granted citizen or office privilege's. A business trust is then established. Our former birthright power once registered is continually divided into smaller and smaller responsibilities of care ( or layers) through that trust and eventually given into the control of career citizens as office managers for us.
It can be very confusing until you comprehend levels and access. The Public ( the people ) are on a higher level than a re-public (or trust government to manage the birthright power and keep record of it) who are under duty to serve the public ( many)
So we the people are the public , but can also serve in the fiction re-public government as public servant citizens in order to protect our sovereign power but it was meant to be a group effort by all the people not managed for lazy people by foreigners like some call center.
The many hats construct is the idea that one person in one office can just put on a different hat and be another office position, making finding the correct office responsible for duties very hard.
The hat or uniform symbolizes a different duty the clerk can also be the judge by simply putting on the judge robe
See the doctrine of office found
The reverse mirror principle is that every thing done in the fiction world has a compliment in the real world . A mirror image of the living and the non living fiction .
Example :Take the spelling of res-ident or re-sident same spelling different meanings "Res" means property and ident is identified so property identified Then "Re" means again sided, so Resident means side switcher. Which side are you? Living being or mirrored acting legal fiction?
Everything seen in a mirror is the flipped 180 degrees to be an exact opposite/ mirror image . So each real living being has a dead entity or a paper copy of himself in the form of a legal fiction name.
The record construct is the presented belief the all your records are yours . Actually a government is a like a record label . Labels publish records of artists goverment publish records of legal persons. We make the records with our labor and energy and " the Label" registers the record and owns the rights to publish it and charge even us to get a copy. So makes money off the person/artists work including every signature in the registered name as a property entrusted to the record label . major artists have lost there rntire published catalogs due to lacking owner rights themselves . We own the given name given us by God they own the legal name they created for us to use and represent as the authorized user.
When we serve in the government, a fictional office is created for us to use to protect the public records. We were to be like the Sheriff example above, preforming only a temporary duty position as a public service.
We were then to release that position so another could then serve in the office of sheriff . It was not to be made into a career position . The public were meant to share temporary terms of service to the whole public trust to keep the honor system honest and avoid collusion and corruption . This career servant can then become an appointee due to experience and corruption of the rules can happen due to know how to manlipulate the system
Marriage is a Merger not an acquisition! Like companies combining cultures, couples need to plot out their merger.
Acquisition: [noun] The act of acquiring or gaining a possession
Merger: [noun] The combination of entities from two to one
Which is marriage, “merger” or “acquisition?” Seems like a simple question with an obvious answer.
We don’t “acquire” a spouse, we “merge” as a couple. “Two become one,” . Just like when we the "bride of Christ" accept Yahwashi ( called Jesus) we become one with him by marriage ! So all people who join with Christ are "One" body , One guide in love
The legal person is just the record on file. It is either a live or dead account . Most people call this the dead fiction. or artificial person . A business can be a legal person because a business is a record and a record is the so called legal person
Real people vs artificial persons
Paper cant talk to real people and real people cant talk to pieces of paper Bottom line they can see each oterh as the exsist in different worlds and like oil and water cannot ever mix
Citizen , National. Member all terms to describe joiners! Gov doesn't issue a passport to you, the man or woman, it is issued to a person, or an office. Your "name" on that thing is in all caps. Either way, YOU are not a citizen, You can't be. You are a Man or woman. You can't be two "things" at once. In fact, you can't be anything but a man or woman.
What am I going on about? Gov doesn't see you, the man or woman, it sees offices and persons. Technically, we shouldn't need a passport because we have dominion over the Earth, but until we can reestablish that, we have to deal with gov and all its tenure. You are not a citizen, national, state citizen or anything else they may come up with. You are a man or woman. Stop calling yourself something you are not, and keep in mind that all of those appellations are for the person.
The cedent /decedent is one of the most misunderstood constructs you must know to comprehend the Man King record system, Decedent does no mean dead!
A cedent is a transferror or assigner
therefore a de-cedent is not a dead person but instead a non transferrer or non assignor
One who has not returned ( transferred or assigned) the person back to the muncipal father who issued it when they became age of majority with the ability to man-age there own birthright trust
Why should we have to make claim of right for something that was ours already ? We shouldn't The level your on determines your subjection due to uncorrected agreements .
So notice is of the inherent power being reclaimed. The following video is a good start but is a claim and not a reclaim and is "of right" not " of power". Power gives rights, rights do not give power they give use. Power is the absolute or droit droit both rights of property and possession together with actual possession are the inherent power , the encumbering is what dilutes the original unalienable power
The individual and the sole proprietor are Indistinguishable from each other by sound . as both are spelled the same way. This is called a Homograph
Look up sole proprietor.
In a record hearing ( court hearing) , the name called by the bailiff of the entity (officer holder) sounds like they are calling the calling of the man, but they are not as the record clerks only deal with records not real people.
They are asking if any one will re-present the account record or office of the sole proprietor , a thing named JOHN DOE
JOHN DOE is business name of the sole proprietor indivual John Doe who is a single corporation and not a real man
The Inhabitant is a foreigner in the natural habitat . The habitant is native to the habitat. Visa Vie the re-public is foreign to the land or inhabitant, while the public (people/nation) are the actual habitants of the terra so are the public (many)
When a living being comes into joinder with the foreign inhabitants and takes on one of their occupational offices, as the occupiers of the land as record administrator's he/she surrenders his/her sovereignty while in and working for that foreign state and becomes as one of them an inhabitant in the land and no longer an habitant on the land . This status does not mean where the living beings actually live but where their legal persons politically reside
Inheritance or heirtance.
What is a in-heritance? A fiction . ( not- an heir) The idea by this construct is to have the real heir claim a fictional "in-heritance" in other words just the titles to the assets as successor , not the actual ground or car ending the trust but the just the title to the land or vehicle so claim noting but paper rights!
The title is only the representation of the actual substance . An inheritance means in -heiritance or not -heritance so no heritance Spelling aside you get nothin! because you asked for no -thing! a successor is a fiction holder in a trust and can only grant what they have been given control of.
In America, the office of the person construct is the idea of a general legal position (office) in the re-public government granted you at the origin (birth ) of the office of the person and creation of the legal name .
The Lastname is the trick not the Surname
Putting the last name as the family name is wrong and makes it appear to be a fiction when its really just in the wrong order as given first given last given The inherit surname was give first so is the first name or Surname ( father Yahawahs name he knew you in the womb with
The second name given is the christening name or given name it is given to you second or last so is the true last name
The vessel construct is a ship analogy since the system was built off shipping commerce rules and the admiralty law of the sea . It models us as shippers , we are like container vessels (sea businesses) and the berth certificate is our ship business name.
Like any shipping business we carry other people goods for a fee (fee simple)
When the true owner returns and asks the holder of the property in fee simple title the fee simple property must be turned over to them as rightful owner . In this case by the shipper or port authority when it has been being looked after
See Galatian 4 :1-7
Legal definition of individual
As an adjective, “individual” means pertaining or belonging to, or characteristic of, one single person,
The birth certificate or creation of a name in a society is the individual!! , its not you it pertains ,belongs or is your Character!!!
The individual is the office of the sole proprietor ! The character" name" is the individual or legal office name! We are not individuals we are men and women ( who could have an office)
The public is the people. ie, the public square and the general public. .So what is the republic ?
The term re- public means the public again or a new public . So then where did the old public go? The answer is no where they are still here, just far far fewer every year as the are being assimilated into the re-public by uneducated people holding on to their citizen certificates.
The re-public are private corporations known as public corporations who where contracted by our elected officials to administer the records of the public. Like passports certificate of live births, land records and property transfers . etc But each person getting a birth certificate (abstract) was joined to the re-public as a potential future public servant, or like a pre qualified ready hire, already certificated to work for the re-public as helping with public record management but by doing so lost their sovereignty for time while in office and most never returned called reversio!
The box construct is the idea of separation by which box ( set of rules) you are standing in . The matrix (mother womb is the page (organization) is the form , each box on the form is filled in and produces a legal person called a record
It also applies on a whole page in what's called the four corners rule . The term "four corners" refers to the four corners of a paper. Basically, it implies that the only legal parts of the contract are within the four corners of a page or online document. If there is evidence that exists outside of these four corners, they cannot be used in court if they directly contradict the terms of the written contract. This means that if there is a box on the page whats in that box is its own evidence so on top of the page as if a credit card were put on a paper it could slip off as its own information set and not a part of the paper itself
This construct is the presumption that every one born in a state of the union (country) is also accepts being a US citizen of the foreign republic when accepting a birth certificate
The first constitution the United states FOR America ( for the public) and a second constitution OF America . (for the re-public)
Therefore with a duty to the contract record government to support it as a constiuent .
Federal means contract or league. By being given a citizen-ship and not declining you accepted the duty until you resign command of your ship of state.
Your vessel or ship is an office of person to operate in when dealing on the federal record level . Hence federal charges are levied at the federal level/ see levels !
Each law passed by a group must have Constitutional certification to be valid
Private laws must be certified constitutional to be valid law
Each state has two constitutions a organic and a volume 1
The Feudal system is where we see the Fee simple start the split for the simple absolute
"Fe" the mineral symbol for Iron is directly opposed to "Au" the symbol for Gold
The trust system was the fee system as seen in the words Fee simple , fe-male, feif, feudal
while the gold or Authority was also shown in the words Autonomous, Automobile, Authentication , Authority
Governments, not Countries (lands) are created by acts.
Law comes from yahawah alone and the acts of men are "legal" for the actors /trustees as government servants.
Government is created FOR care of the land records!
So called government itself is just the administration of the records regarding the land and property on it, and the rules (statutes) of how those records are removed , added to , or altered . The enforcement of the rules over the records only apply to the records, not the people and the "by-laws " are the rules (codified/ code ) of what happens to the record when a charge is brought against the record.
The words used in each systems domicile are specific to that domicile jurisdiction unless there is a cooperating agreement. So a highway is a specific "term" used in commerce . Like the high seas it pertains to a portion of the system and not the common way. Everyone has a duty of movement on the common way as a right of Way as in freeway . So a word change like toll way changes the nature of the free way to a pay to travel or restriction imposed
A state is a "condition" of being ! a concept
So a state like California is a "name for a place" and the Californians as the people who live on that land.
A state ( condition) of state is a fictional construct for a state within a state or a trust set up
Example : California a place name for land then you have the State of California. So a condition of California not California ( the land area) but a condition of California . The state of California would be the name of the" government" that control the public records of the people who live on the ground of the geographic place California . This same construct works with all places and the governments of them even the United states of America . America is the place and the untied state is OF it
Shareholders vote! Electer elect ! If you are a voter then you are voting your share in the group. If you are registered to vote you have a voting record . Private or not this voter record proves you agree to be part of the group so must be countered by you if that was not your intent , The truly "elect" are the sons on man . Elect is an English word that has been used to translated from the original Hebrew and Greek words of The Bible which describe those who have been, or will be, elected, or chosen by God for a purpose: to become the "first fruits" of salvation.
A voter is a shareholder in the manking system 1st samueal chap 8. he is a regis-stered subject of a man king wheras as an electer is one of the elect of Maker Almighty and need not vote as all decisions and leaders are already made by Maker according to his purpose . The vote is to give the appearance of control where we know Maker is already in full control and nothing happens by accident but turnss out for his glory
Public policy is a control in place to regulate public businesses doing private business in areas reserved for the general public in order to protect them.
Yahawah's law is the law laid down by our maker as to how we are to treat other men in love and correction in righteousness.
Note: There is no double standard as people say , meaning a higher privilege for law enforcement or politicians etc . than for the regular public. That supposed higher standard is to regulate what someone in a public office can do, due to being in the role of the sole proprietor/ public job while the private man, who has unlimited freedom, is mistakenly presumed to be under those same higher public job standards even though not one on the public business roll. So Correcting the domicile and the presumptions will self correct. Pay special attention to the 12 presumptions of Law.
The public is the people. ie, the public square and the general public .So what is the republic ? The term re public means the public again or a new public . So where did the old public go? The answer is no where they are still here just far far fewer every year as the are being assimilated into the re-public . The republic is the private corporations know as public corporations who where contracted by the elected officials to administer the records of the public. Like passports certificate of live birth s land records and property transfers . etc But each person getting a birth certificate (abstract) was joined to the re-public as a potential public servant so like a pre qualified ready hire already certificated to work for the re-public helping with public record management but by doing so lost their sovereignty for time while in office and most never went back
Inherent Power is the condition or state of the primogeniture or the first born ( see for-eign)
This is the authority the re-public government uses to rule over the people, They were donated this power to "use " by the foreign/firstborn when he was a minor or mistakenly registered it and created a express trust . The birthright ( inherent power) was deposited with the man king system and used by the man King as his authoritative right to rule in place of the primogeniture until he returned to claim it at age of majority .
This inherent power came from Yahawah our maker in heaven why no man is above it as it is simple absolute . The user of it only has a fee simple or use untill the master returns
Public Notary or Notary Public?
The people now serving as Notaries are all commissioned by "State of State" franchises and so, they normally function as Notary Publics in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
The jurisdiction invoked is indicated by the "Notary Block" the separate portion of the paperworkt reserved for them. If it is Territorial United States jurisdiction being invoked, the Notary Block will show that the paperwork is taking place --- for example, in the "State of Vermont" and "County of Claybourne".
If it is Municipal United States jurisdiction, the Notary Block will show: "STATE OF VERMONT" and "COUNTY OF CLAYBOURNE".
But if you want to invoke the land jurisdiction owed to your country, the Notary Block will show: "Vermont State" and "Claybourne County". And, ideally, the Notary will be identified as a "Public Notary".
Practice ( customs)
1. Frequently repeated or customary action; habitual performance; a succession of
acts of a similar kind; usage; habit; custom;
as, the practice of rising early; the practice
of making regular entries of accounts; the
practice of daily exercise. [1913 Webster]
A heart . . . exercised with covetous practices. --2
Pet. ii. 14.
A practice is a custom often repeated it is the customs and traditions of men. We call this today the legal system
And teach customs which are not lawful.
--Acts 16
Living Soul
A certificate of live birth ( COLB signed by 3 witnesses is proof of the birth of live born baby
Corporate legal fiction / Sole Proprietor
The abstracted information off of the COLB creates a Birth certificate which is the formation of the entity holding the unclaimed COLB in an account set up to do business as a sole proprietor
Everything in the fictional world is a document. A record with a header , a body of text and a footer. The record is a legal person, a fictional construct of the state, a named file of the information you provided which forces your interaction in that record name so they can presume the record is actually you! When its no more you than a horse named after you!
Correcting the records is clarifying your position relating to the account., so they cannot presume you the man/woman are under their control and not just the legal record.
Babies are not registered ! Babies births are recorded. Once a record FOR the baby is created, that record may be registered but never the baby, people are never registered. A living being can never be a thing registered . His /her record of birth may be but the living soul is Heavenly fathers creation and he owns all right to that creation . So men make titles or images instead called records to register in order control the items recorded and influence the people they could relate to.
The address is the plot or box where the permanent Lifeless entity is filed. Even though it is called a person its just a record name in a file Real people are living beings and don't get filed So the sole proprietor business name is a record even though it is named similar to your name This is why the use of the Christian name and location frees you from the false presumptions
Baptism is a biblical concept . However a registered church doing baptisms providing a baptismal certificate is not what the bible taught . Any believer may baptism another wanting to profess their faith weather a license clergy member or not. State sponsored churches registered to avoid tax are businesses not faith based organizations Don't trust your soul to a government registered entity as they become the record keeper instead of your family bible records
We are taught to "think" public business is freedom when the reverse is true . Business is war. Business is the job of managing the office of the person for the profits and emoluments
it produces. war is a fight for dominence of a market or area. it doesnt share it competes, it doesnt share it consolidates
True freedom , privacy , is doing what we wish. Private doesnt register it records , it posts notice so all can know its private rights
This truth gets more important with age!
"Court" is a fiction the actual paperwork is the record nothing more. The document decides the issue what is written is the rule . Court house is where all the records of the offices of the person are created, amended or withdrawn, Court is a construct as only registered fictions (records) are judged their.
"An Estate or interest limited [record] is to continue so long only as a person abstains from applying to the court to exercise any of such powers or so long only as any of such powers shall remained unexercised ."
Source 1864 Settlement act Section 34
Meaning a record stands as is until a challenged (proof) is brought forward to correct it. A record can only be changed by a review of the evidence by a clerk of the records . This can be done exparte or if challenged a hearing is set before an opposing party .
A commitment is a type of contract that involves a promise to perform certain actions or transactions on behalf of another party. A commitment can be terminated in different ways, depending on the terms and conditions of the contract, the nature and scope of the tasks, and the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
The commitment can be terminated when the time period specified in the contract has elapsed or when a certain event or condition has occurred. A committee is one who receives a commitment ( not t just a group) when we commit we given our power to another until we terminate the commitment!
Domicile is a legal term to denote the jurisdiction of the entity.
Domicile is the major component construct in how the entity is seen by authority. A domicile is your permanent house or where you intend to stay . If you have not changed your presumed domicile of record to a domicile of your choice you will be deemed to accepted your biological fathers domicile record as your own and its jurisdiction law as your chosen law form. Wouldn't you rather be judged by grace then by mans 80,000 plus statutes?
Pro se vs Pro per
Remember their is the living being and their is the legal person /sole proprietor or business record . When before a court of record you can represent the legal person as Pro se (representing the self - legal person or Pro per which is the living being or in the proper person Proper= Pro per . Courts only regulated records so if you are pro per they will try to call you Pro se so you are acting as the representative of the record which they can then administer
The split personality's construct is hidden in the concept of public and private
The public is the real people available to serve in government The republic is the government (record keepers citizens ) who manage the records of the public people. Private is a people who has no connection to public record management . A private legal person for example is really a career public servant who never left (ceded) the republic government certificate to return to the real world so lives life as a public fiction never releasing his privilege's of office so has no immunity .
Truth is what you believe . Not what I believe this website is my research . My research shows the two sides in a " T " ledger. The legal person side states pieces of information about the legal person (dead fictions) which is fine . We the living beings are the other side . So the construct of truth is the idea that one side is truth compared to the other. The legal name was not created by you it was made by the issuer it is not your name its yours to use. Your calling is what's called your real name . So the truth construct is to get you to believe its your legal name and all the regulations that go with it if you accept that truth. So when you use the name you "jack in" to the system. you enter the matrix by the log in which is the legal name!
There are two paths you can always choose to get to the top, the nature path or the man made path. The Blood right is the nature path made by Maker almighty, the Man made path is the office or corporate ladder, the path of the successor . Both paths are by heritage which means by next in line. But with a bloodline, the path is called an ancestry and only blood relations can claim in that line. In the successor or office path, any one can claim a higher place or rank by merit as its a performance ranking path. To claim your birthright from the maker of your soul you have to claim by blood or he will say he doesn't know you as he is no respecter of persons which is a NAME for a legal office not people, like living men and women
Words in the fiction realm are called terms! Terms are mimics of real words that cant be used in the fiction game or fraud would result .
Terms are made to seem like words and can be made up from symbols like in the Glossa
Glossa: Another language different from proper English, using symbols instead of letters taken from American sign language . Each sign or movement made to indicate a letter is called a gloss and in what looks like all capital letters but are in reality 7/8 size so not proper English so can be used in the fiction
Legalese : legalese \legalese\ n. A style of writing or speaking heavily emphasizing the abstruse technical vocabulary of the law, to the point where a speech or document may be incomprehensible to non-specialists.
Word manipulation : the use of prefixes and suffixes to change the meaning of a root word and make it mean the opposite or change the capacity of the person identified etc.
Glossa or gloss is a word manipulation trick by contract writers and used to make words appear to be something they are not , by using ASL American sign language symbols on paperwork so look official when they are actually sign documents saying nothing . See above video channel for specifics
Document : An example for instruction or warning. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]
Symbols are used for warning instructions so are signs, not writing
Law is given us by the maker of the Land Air and Water (LAW) Man does not make law , corporations do not make law , Churches do not make law . The man King and his follower simply copy the order of the maker and as lower creations simple create (not make) codes , statutes, ordinances , rules, and a million other regulations to govern their group members by , and charge them fees to support their imitation groups. Instead of accepting what is a perfect LAW system already to replenish the Land Air and Water (LAW) we all depend on for our survival. The apostle Paul said God’s “law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good” as well as “spiritual” (Romans 7:12, 14 )
Words are essential to comprehending any system . Each system uses a set of words and a dictionary of the meaning of those words as used in that system. If you can't comprehend the words being used the system will be foreign to you . A land mass is called a foreign country , it not the land that is foreign as land is land , it is the language spoken there that is foreign to your own . The locals know the dialect and the slang (shortened language) used so can navigate the meaning and inflections used which helps them know the dangers and the safe areas of the foreign land by knowing the language and how certain areas or customs are reffered too
Prefix's and Suffix's alter the true meaning of words and the become terms!
Deforested means not forested . De = not Forested= has a forest
This construct of using a prefix to reverse a meaning from forested to not forested is key to comprehending the word trickery used to make new legal words which would not of existed in oxford Engligh but need to be made to support the fictional construct of a government or legal persons so terms had to be invented . Think this word over "Decedent"
Hint: It does not mean dead that was the imposed term meaning
Comprehend the importance of "words" .especially those prefix and suffix changes to the root words. The words we use construct out reality change the words change the reality.
The root words are modified to fit the position either as agent (citizen) or the principle (living being)
The root of a word can be modified by a prefix or suffix. To show one as the agent by addtion of an "or" suffix being added OR the living being is shown by whatever action he is doing with an "er" suffix added . Example : Grant-or vs Grant-er have different roles. Notice you can not have a skior or a givor No one can be an agent skier or giv-er
Suffix is a letter or a group of letters that is usually added onto the end of words, to change the way a word fits into a sentence grammatically. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs all tend to use different suffixes, so this makes it a little easier to remember! Collectively, prefixes and suffixes are known as ‘affixes’.
The fix is in!
Great general overview of the dead (trust) system
Sovereign living channel By Glen Wittingham
We love peace officers. Police officers are not peace officers, they can be, but their job is policy (corporate title policies ) enforcement. Notice the spelling Polic(e) Polic(y) Similar but not the same. Peace or Police, One promotes peace , the other enforces corporate policy records on registered property. See Judge definition. Notice he /she as an umpire is a separator, separating the living beings from the legal fictions regulated by policy enforcers. Know who you are! sheep or
ABATEMENT, chancery practice, is a suspension of all proceedings in a suit, from the want of proper parties capable of proceeding therein. It differs from an abatement at law in this, that in the latter the action is in general entirely dead, and cannot be revived, 3 Bl. Com. 168 but in the former, the right to proceed is merely suspended, and may be revived by a bill of revivor. Mitf. Eq. Pl. by Jeremy, 57; Story, Eq. Pl. Sec. 354. Note : If you are presumed to be a record Abate the charge!!!!!
Bill Turner over 20 years of study!
The flow chart is to illustrate how we lose our full dominion power when we sell our birthright for benefits. We do this by registering the birthright estate (interest) and receiving in exchange a legal name so we can do commerce in the world system instead of trusting in Yah to provide through other belivers in a non profit system where love is more the focus that money.
By splitti
Here we see how on the right side we retain the dominion and what happens when we split that birthright land power into rights of property and possession . The black arrows indicate the power flow the red arrows indicate the reversion back to full power
This flowchart shows how our birthright promised land is given to us by Yah as his heirs and stewards. As our birthright, we have the option to keep it safe or dispose of it. We are instructed to value the birthright land. However some would rather have immediate satisfaction instead of long term security of land so the land may be sold, granted or passed on by decent through inheritance. Afte
This chart begins after our birthright donation from yah . He is the Don or father and we are his agent or the donor. As donor we can keep the full power of the birthright under yah or join the Man king and have the birthright split .
As seen in this chart the birth certificate is the registration receipt now needed on this side to get the rights to benefits like driving etc., where under Y
The red dots are how the matrix ( maternal side) is formed, from our leaving the father without knowledge . We do it all to ourselves by lack of knowledge
The path of return to the father from being lost.
Note : When you work for Yahshua your labor is never in vain and all counted as talents to present to the father so you may here those most wonderful words Well done my good and faithful servant enter into my rest.
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